Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Dragon’s Lair: The Movie

Don Bluth and Gary Goldman are coming together once again to bring the classic arcade game Dragon's Lair to the big screen. 

Don Bluth and Gary Goldman are coming together once again to bring the classic arcade game Dragon's Lair to the big screen. We are seeking your help to create a pitch to make Dragon’s Lair, the Movie through a Kickstarter crowd-funding campaign. Dragon's Lair continues to be loved by millions around the world since 1983, and fans have been waiting patiently to see Dirk and Daphne at it again. Click on the link to go pledge to help make this movie a reality.


Friday, October 23, 2015

Illustrator's Guidebook by 21Draw

The people behind the very popular book 21Draw are putting together another awesome book called an Illustrator's Guidebook. It's a tutorial art book with lessons by industry legends who have worked for Disney, Marvel, DC, Dreamworks, Pixar & many more. The campaign for the book has way passed the pledge goal of $20,000 so it is a 100% funded already.

So head on over to Kickstarter here... https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/21draw/illustrators-guidebook

You only have 7 days left to get it and receive some pledge rewards as well. Every artist will want to get their hands on this book if it's anything like the popularity of their last one.

If you are wondering about the quality and the many talented artists that they have in their books, take a look at a few of the pages below from their last book 21Draw.  I still think you can buy that book here... http://www.21-draw.com/paypal/

Monday, January 19, 2015

The Art of Penguins of Madagascar

With the busy Holiday season I was not able to go see the Penguins of Madagascar in theaters until this month.  Boy it blew me away at how funny it was, my family and I were laughing the whole way through it.  I wanted the art book right away too, and I wanted to share some of the artwork in it.  So here's another review of some of the awesome artwork you will see in the book The Art of Penguins of Madagascar 

You can buy the book here at this Amazon link